Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 10

Ethics - Essay Example Aristotle’s Human Function Argument: Based on the human function argument, Aristotle had argued that a clear concept of happiness can be realized if the human function could be studied and understood. It reflects that every function or activity of human beings contains the goodness or happiness in it based on rationality of the function. Thus with the rational part of the human soul performing an activity or a particular function, the goodness or happiness takes place. Aristotle had considered happiness to be the best good that could have happened to a human being. Thus in order to determine the goodness in man, Aristotle’s function argument states that the function of the human needs to be ascertained. Also, according to him, human life has been stated to be common to plants, as well as to animals thereby having an active life element with rationality (Korsgaard 129-132). The arguments presented by Aristotle as part of the function argument includes: â€Å"(1) Humans must have a function, or else they would be idle, which is absurd; (2) Each human body part has a function, so the whole human must likewise have a function; (3) The human function is unique to only humans themselves; (4)Human function is not growth and nutrition because these aspects of life are shared with plant; (5)Human function is not sense perception because this aspect of life is shared with animal; (6)The part of the human soul with reason is unique to human; (7) The bare capacity of reason is insufficient to constitute a life function; and (8) Therefore, the human function is activity of the part of the soul that expresses or requires reason† (Pritchett). Failure of the Function Argument: Although Aristotle tried his best to determine the human function reflecting the happiness and goodness factors in human, his beliefs could not stand alone against the questions and criticisms that were raised. Aristotle could not place his arguments successfully as he lacked support ive arguments over the premises he focused on. He could not explain the reason for human function to be considered as unique. When he said that human function is common to plants, it raised questions on the fact as to how two things can be similar only because they share some activities in common. Also, when he stated about animals, it is not clear whether he meant to say that humans only have functions and animals do not have any function. Different functions can be associated with different features or a same function can be presented in different ways by different individuals or animals. Hence Aristotle’s arguments could not present clearly the meanings of the premises (Pritchett). Critics also could not realize how the goodness of a human being can be associated with the good performance or activity of the individual even if there is a function present in human beings. Questions could be raised on several thoughts. For example, even if it is believed to be true that goodn ess of a human is based on the good activity of the human, question arises whether it is good to be a good human or whether every the goodness of every single human can be determined the same, and so on (Korsgaard 131). Thus

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Music therapy

Music therapy Music and Medicine Music is heard in many places we go. We hear it while watching television at home. We often turn in on in the car. We hear it while shopping, riding elevators, sitting in waiting rooms, and in many areas as we go about daily life. It has the ability to incite great passion, make people angry, or break a heart and bring one to tears. William Congreve, a playwright and poet, wrote the Mourning Bride. In Act I, Scene I he said, Music has charms to soothe a savage beast. If one believes that to be true, it is easy to conclude that music is intentionally used to control mood in various venues in our life. For purposes of this paper, we will explore how music is used in the healthcare setting. We will, based on research, determine if music has an effect on patients and the healing process. The writings of Plato and Aristotle were some of the early indicators that suggested music could improve health. For those of us who believe the Bible, we know that theory was in practice long before these writers. The Bible says in I Samuel 16:23, Whenever the Spirit of God came on Saul, David would take up his lyre and play. Then relief would come to Saul, he would feel better, and the evil spirit would leave him. From the beginning, music has been used to soothe the soul. Modern music therapy formally began in the twentieth century after World War II. Musicians would travel to hospitals across the United States to visit veterans who were suffering from shell shock. It only makes sense that the healthcare field would catch up and deliberately incorporate music into the healing process. Medicine relies on evidence-based practice. This means that there should be significant research to support putting that practice into place. There have been multiple studies to support using music therapy as part of a holistic approach to healing. Music therapy is defined as, the clinical and evidence-based use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals within a therapeutic relationship by a credentialed professional who has completed an approved music therapy program. Currently, there are college curriculums dedicated to training music therapists, and the American Association of Music Therapists is in existence. Therapists are trained to assess and identify patients needs based on physical, social, and emotional factors, as well as, their cognitive abilities. While one knows that music is used by many people, it is documented that patients have improved outcomes when a trained, professional music therapist is in control of this portion. This is based on their ability to determine what is in the patients best interest due to their assessment findings. There is no beginning or ending age where music is a benefit. Expectant mothers often play music to their unborn babies. It is said to release endorphins in the mothers bloodstream causing her to have happy feelings. These feelings are transferred to the baby. Music is also often played in a hospice setting where people are dying. It is thought to foster peaceful feelings with the patient and family during this difficult process. Obviously, most people have preferences as to what kind of music they like. Some studies suggest, based on MRI findings, that although we may differ in our preferences, our brains receive different kinds of music in much the same way. A couple of particular areas of the brain were looked at under MRI while participates listened to music that they had never had before. Those areas suggested that although the auditory experience may have been pleasing to some and not others, the brain highlighted increased activity in the same regions. So, even listening to something one does not particularly like, does not necessarily mean it will facilitate negative feelings. Which leads us to health benefits of music. Dr. Daniel Levitin, a psychologist who studies neuroscience of music at McGill University, performed several studies to determine the chemical reaction of listening to music. In one particular study, he was looking to see if patients who were waiting on surgery and listening to music were less anxious than those who were not, and which group required anti-anxiety medications. He found that music listeners were less anxious, required less medication, and had decreased levels of cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone. Music listeners also had higher levels of immunoglobin A, which is an antibody related to immunity and having higher counts of cells that fight bacteria. The American Cancer Society also utilizes music therapy in treating oncology patients. They have additionally done research on its benefit. They found that, along with traditional treatment, music could help relieve pain, as well as, reduce nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy drugs. It also reduced depression, heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate. All of this seems incredibly important when one is in a fight for his life against cancer. One of the most promising areas of music therapy is seen in children. According to the American Psychological Association, from pre-term babies to older children, the studies have been promising as to the effects of music on healing. Babies in an intensive care unit are surrounded by intense and intimidating equipment. It can assault their senses twenty four hours at a time. Playing music to drown out the constant noise of that equipment has been shown to improve their sleep and eating patterns, and it can decrease the stress level of the parents there with the children. As with adults, children fight various illnesses. However, adults, most often, cope with difficult procedures better than children. The sheer idea of having a procedure will overwhelm a child more violently. They often react even before the procedure is started. One particular music therapist, at Boston Hospital, began working with a child who had to go for an x-ray and was extremely anxious. He followed the child th roughout the process, constantly engaging her with instruments and music, and only stopped after the procedure was over. She never realized her x-ray was done, because she was so engaged in the activities. Autistic people have a difficult time engaging others, expressing their feelings, and some have problems with language development. Studies have shown music can cause improvements in these areas. Autistic children often are found to have incredible abilities related to music, and it helps reinforce positive behaviors. Our brain often associates memories with music. That is an important fact in treating Alzheimers and dementia patients with music therapy. It has been shown to improve thought processes, memory and emotions. Another promising area of treating with music is in Parkinsons patients. It is not necessarily the sound of the music, but the vibrations from the music. The American Psychological Association has seen improvement of symptoms in these patients. It seems low frequency vibrations improve gait, reduce tremors, and make them less rigid. Hospitals and doctors offices play music in hallways, waiting rooms, and in most procedure rooms. It has a calming effect on patients, visitors, and staff alike. It reduces stress and anxiety, and makes an unpleasant situation, bearable. And the list goes on and on. While there will always be some who do not see the benefit, there is countless research supporting the use of music to improve healing. There continues to be research done on this subject daily. While conventional medicine makes leaps and bounds in countless areas, we should not discount holistic treatments. What was good enough for Saul in the Old Testament, is still good enough today. References Berkeley Wellness. Music as Medicine. Berkeley University of California. Web. 10 Feb. 2014. Landau, Elizabeth. This is Your Brain on Music. CNN. Web. 15 April 2013. Landau, Elizabeth. When Patients have Music Emergencies. CNN. Web. 23 August 2013. Novofney, Amy. Music as medicine. American Psychological Association. Web. Nov. 2013. n.p. I Samuel 16:23. Bible Hub. Web. n.d. n.p. 4 Ways to Use Music as Medicine. Aging Care. Web. 21 March 2013. n.p. How to Play Music for Your Baby while Pregnant. Smarter Baby. Web. 16 Dec 2008. n.p. Music Therapy. American Cancer Society. Web. n.d. n.p. William Congreve. Answers. Web. n.d. Ridenour, Annette and Sadler, Blair. Improving Healing Through Art and Music. Healthcare Design. Web. 31 October 2007.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Jovian Planets Essay -- essays research papers

The Jovian Planets Far beyond Earth in the solar nebula lies an ice belt and beyond that lay the four Jovian planets. They are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Jovian means "Jupiter- like" in which the rest of the jovian planets do coincide with the name. Uranus Neptune and Saturn, all carry the same traits as Jupiter. The jovian planets are large gas giants that contain mainly a thick atmosphere of Hydrogen and helium. These planets do not have solid surfaces, rather they just get denser with depth. They contain high mass and are usually anywhere from 15 to 318 times the mass of earth. They also contain many satellites and the gravity is much stronger than that of earth. The jovian planets inner structure probably consists of a rocky core of metals, water, ammonia and methane. Usually these cores are about the same size as earth possibly a little larger. It is also possible that Uranus and Neptune’s core is a liquid instead of a solid. The Jovian planets also have about the s ame rotational characteristics and all have rings around them. Jupiter, the first of the jovian planets, reigns supreme throughout the solar system. Named after the Roman god Jove, the ruler of Olympus; Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun and is also the largest planet in the Earth’s solar system. It is 318 times more massive than Earth and is two thirds of the planetary mass in the solar system. Jupiter’s surface, unlike earth, is gaseous and not a solid. It is about 90% hydrogen and 10% helium with traces of methane, ammonia, water and rock. Jupiter’s interior is very similar to the Sun’s interior but with a far lower temperature. However, it is still unknown but Jupiter is believed to have a core of liquid metallic hydrogen. This exotic element can only be achieved at pressure greater than 4 million bars. Jupiter radiates more energy in space than it receives from the sun. The interior of Jupiter is hot and has been estimated to be 20000 degrees Kelvin. The heat is generated by the Kelvin- Hemholtz mechanism, or the gravitational compression of a planet. It gives off about 1.5 to 2 times more energy than the sun. It is speculated that the source of this heat is due to the rapid rotation of the planet and it’s liquid metallic hydrogen core. Liquid Metallic hydrogen consists mainly of ionized protons and electrons and is the electric... ... tidal forces, which caused nitro gas volcanoes on it’s surface. Different from the terrestrial planets, the Jovian planets are basically big balls of gas. The jovian planets seemed to be formed around the same time from the solar nebula. Jupiter and Saturn are the closest in nature to each other with Neptune and Uranus taking on a few of their traits. They all carry the same characteristics in their Classification. The Jovian planets are composed mainly of helium and hydrogen. They have a liquid or small rocky core. They are usually high in mass and low in density. They have many satellites and the gravity is much stronger than Earth’s. They also all share the same banding and zoning winds. With these characteristics defined with each description given it is easy to see how the planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are Jovian or "Jupiter - like". Bibliographies Seeds, Michael A., Foundations of Astronomy; copyright 1994, Wadsworth inc. Considine, Douglas M. ; Van Nostrands Scientific Encyclopedia, volume eight; Copyright 1995, Van Nostrand Rienholdt, NY Maran, Stephen P. , The Astronomy and Astrophysics Encyclopedia, Copyright 1992, Van Nostrand Rienholdt, NY

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Projects and Project Management Essay

Organizational leaders are facing complex challenges through a rapid rate of change in both the technology and government which has then created pressure in new and existing organizations. As a result, the traditional structure for managing is giving way to a new form of management (Kerzner, 2003). This form is project management. How can this be? Projects have been around since the building of the pyramids (Dobson, 2003). In 2650 B.C., the step pyramid was built by Imhotep for the pharaoh Zoser in Egypt. The building of Stonehenge occurred about 150 years later. In another 2,500 years, the Mayans began building pyramids throughout Central America. These were the very first projects in history. The builders of these structures used simple tools and did not have paper or software programs (Lewis, 1995). The beginning of project management as a discipline began in the 1950Â’s and 1960Â’s in the United States but was not generally accepted until today. The purpose of this initial lecture is to help you in: 1.Recognizing projects. 2.Developing an understanding of project management. 3.Recognizing the project management process. This lecture will support these objectives by providing you with definitions, examples and descriptions of projects and project management. Additionally, the lecture will conclude with a brief description of the project management process. ProjectsIn business today, there are many types of projects with endless possibilities. A project can be:Developing a new product or service. Implementing a new business process. Developing a marketing plan. Completing an assignment. According to Lewis (1995:2) a project is: “a one-time job that has definite starting and ending points, clearly defined objectives, scope and (usually) a budget.” The key words in this definition are underlined to aid you in differentiating between a project and a repetitive process or operation such as order processing or production. Operations and projects share characteristics. They are both:Performed by people. Constrained by limited resources. Planned, executed and controlled (PMI, 2000:4-5). However, a project can be differentiating from an operation by its distinctive characteristics. As the Project Management Institute (2000: 4-5) explains: “a project is a temporary endeavor to create a unique product or service.” In this definition, temporary refers to the definite beginning and end while unique refer to the difference of the project from others. For seemingly repetitive actives like building houses from the same blueprint that are always unique features and problems. For example, the climate may vary or there could be special restrictions for zoning. Another view of a project is provided by (Kerzner, 2000:2) as a series of tasks that:Have a specified objective to be completed within certain specifications. Have a defined start and finish. Consume human and nonhuman resources (such as money, time, expertise, equipment). Are multifunctional (they cut across functional lines such as marketing, design, development, production and so forth). Project ReviewA project is a one-time job. This is:Temporary. Unique. With a clear start & finish. Consuming resources (human and nonhuman)Budgeted, if appropriate. Multifunctional (cuts across different functions). A quality expert, Dr. J.M. Juran, defines a project as a problem scheduled for solution. From this perspective, a project is conducted to solve a problem for an organization. The problem(s) are solved by project work teams and the project manager (Lewis, 1995). Project ManagementThe best way to learn about project management is to understand what it is not. Project Management is not software and it is not just scheduling (Lewis, 1995). Project management has two aspects (Heerkins, 2002: 6):The art Ââ€" leading people on a project. The science Ââ€" defining and coordinating the work to be done. According to Lewis (1995:4-5), project management is the: “planning, scheduling, controlling of project activates to achieve performance, cost, and time objectives for a given scope of work using resources efficiently and effectively.” As a project manager you will always manage competing demands for people, money and time to meet specified project goals and requirements. Sound tough? It can be. It can also be challenging and help you to develop your management skills. There are both ProÂ’s and ConÂ’s of being a project manager (Heerkins, 2002: 3). ProÂ’sIt can be a steeping stone to promotion. It provides a strong sense of accomplishment. ThereÂ’s variety: no two days are alike. ThereÂ’s significant freedom of choice. It affords the opportunity to effect change across the organization. ConÂ’sIt requires significant tolerance for politics. It requires significant tolerance for ambiguity and uncertainty. ThereÂ’s a lot of responsibility, but little or no affordability. You may feel “disconnected” from your technical discipline and prior work experiences. You may be perceived as not having a “real job.”The advantages and disadvantages of project management as outlined by Kerzner ( 2003:3) are:Potential BenefitsIdentification of functional responsibilities to ensure all activities is accounted for in the project. Measurement of accomplishment against tasks. Improved capability for future planning. Identification of:oTime limits. oMethodologyPotential BarriersProject complexity. Special requirements and changes per customer. Organizational restructuring. Project risks. Changes in technology. Project management calls for the creation of a small organizational structure Ââ€" the project team. This team is often multifunctional and is representative of the larger organization (Heerkins, 2000). For example, the project team may consist of a data analyst from research, a customer service representative, a person from finance and so forth. Also, as the learning team is your partners in learning, the project team will be your partners throughout the project management process. This process involves:Defining the goal of a project. Determining the results you expect from your project. Working within a budget. Setting-up a schedule. Selecting your teams and establishing roles. Making sure tools and technology are in place. Monitoring on-going process. Maintaining team morale. Dealing with problems that may arise. Keeping stakeholders (such as customers, clients, and executives) informed of your progress. Brining the project to a conclusion. Accessing what went right and what went wrong (Mintzer, 2002:5-8). It is important to note that these activities within this process are iterative in nature because there will be progressive elaboration on each activity throughout the life cycle of the project. As the Project Management  Institute describes, “project management is the application of knowledge, skills and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements (2000:6).” In summary, project management is an emerging profession that is both art and science which follows processes to bring about the successful completion of a project. Project Management ReviewProject Management depends on a project team that is:Cross-functional and diverse in experience and expertise. Representative of the larger organization. Motivated to bring the project to a conclusion. Project Management is:An art and a science. The planning, scheduling and controlling project activities. The measurement of accomplishment against goals and requirements. An emerging profession with the goal to bring projects to completion on time and within the budget. SummaryThis lecture has covered both projects and project management. It will give you a basis for understanding the complexities, challenges and opportunities of the project management process. This lecture was developed to help you in: 1) recognizing projects, 2) developing an understanding of project management 3) and recognizing the project management process. References Dobson, M.S. (2003). Streetwise Project Management, How to Manage People. Processes and Time to Achieve the Results You Need. Avon, MA.: Adams Media Corporation. Heerkens, G.R. (2002). Project Management, a Briefcase Book. New York: McGraw-Hill. Kerzner, H. (2003). Project Management, A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling. 8th Ed. New York: Wiley. Lewis, J.P. (1995). Project Planning, Scheduling, and Control, A Hands-On Guide to Bringing Projects in on Time and on Budget, Chicago: Irwin Professional Publishing. Project Management Institute (2000). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, PPMBOK Guide. An American National Standard, ANSI/PMI 99-001-2000. Newton Square, PA.: PMI. Mintzer, R. (2002).The Everything Project Management Book, Tackle any Project with Confidence and Get it Done on Time. Avon, MA.: Adams Media Corporation.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Professors in My Student Life Essay

There are some situations in life that we would never forget. Since I began the school at 6 years old until I finish high school at 18 years old, I have had the opportunities to meet several professors. Professors become a close person for us because we share with them at least one year of our life. They spend more time with us, even than our parents. But no all of them are equal in terms of their way to teach. I classified them into three different groups, the group of responsible professors, unconcerned professors and facetious professors. Fortunately, during those years, I have met many responsible professors. This kind of teachers worries about their students learning. They do not care if they have to explain a topic once again when some students do not understand something. Also, they explain as clear as possible in order to make understandable what they are teaching. Others ways that teachers demonstrate to be responsible are reviewing and discussing the students’ homework assignments. Going through the exercises that students do at home is a good way to know if students are doing well or not. Professors can realize if students need more practice before taking the test. In addition, responsible professors also go to the classroom prepared on what they will teach to their students. They know what the last class was about and what will go after it. Also, they used to take some handouts and materials for the students to work on it. But unfortunately not all professors are responsible. Other kind of professors I met was the unconcerned professors. These teachers arrived always late to the classroom. This behavior was a bad influence for students. Also, the time of class was shorter; nevertheless, they gave the class until the time ran out and the rest, to study at home by our self. Moreover, these professors do not used to review the homework in class. For that reason, my classmates and I did not know if we were learning or not. In consequence, most of us lost our interest to study. Another way to demonstrate their abandon was with the students test. For example, when we took a test, the professor many times lost our papers. In the better case, he gave us the score one month later. I hope do not have this type of professor anymore. I had some facetious professors, overcoat in high school. These professors always had a joke or story to tell. They always were doing that students would laugh and relax. I remember when we had an exam, one of them, before give us the test, he used to joke telling us that we had faces of sheep’s slaughtered. Furthermore, they are never angry. To demonstrate, some students came out from the classroom to make phone calls and he did not care about that. Also, I remember one of them who arrived late because his car was crashed, and he seemed like nothing had happened. Another way to project their character was their way to teach. All topics were given a touch of joy which made s the class more enjoyable. He taught us to memorize the topics, singing them; it was very funny. I enjoyed this kind of professor because he inspired me to do my best. In brief, in eleven years many professors go through our life. I particularly, have found these three type of professors; responsible, unconcerned and facetious. All of them had their own way to teach and communicate with their students. I liked some more than others, for that, my advice to all of you is to think about what kind of professor you prefer and then you can go online to look for the best.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Basics of Getting Started in Homeschooling

The Basics of Getting Started in Homeschooling When youre new to homeschooling, the logistics can seem overwhelming, but it doesnt have to be a stressful time. These homeschooling basics will help you have your homeschool up and running as stress-free as possible. 1. Make the Decision to Homeschool Making the decision to homeschool can be  difficult and is not one to be made lightly. As you are  deciding if homeschooling is right for you, consider factors such as: The time commitmentThe pros and cons of homeschooling based on your family’s needsYour spouse and child’s opinions about homeschooling There are many factors that go into deciding to homeschool and many are unique to your family’s specific needs. Talk to other homeschooling families in person or online. Consider attending a homeschool support group meeting or find out if the groups in your area offer  events for new homeschooling families. Some groups will pair families with an experienced mentor or host QA nights. 2. Understand  Homeschool Laws It is important to know and follow the homeschool laws and requirements of your state or region. Although homeschooling is legal in all 50  states, some  are more heavily regulated than others, particularly if your child is  a certain age (6 or 7 to 16 or 17  in most states) or has already been enrolled in public school. Make sure that you understand what is required of you to withdraw your child from school (if applicable) and  begin homeschooling. If your child has not been in school, make sure you know the age by which you must notify your state that you will be educating at home. 3.  Start  Strong Once you make the decision to homeschool, you’ll want to do all that you can to ensure that you start on a positive note.  If your student is transitioning from public school to homeschool, there are steps you can  take to smooth the transition. For example, you’ll want to allow time for everyone to make the adjustment. You don’t have to make every decision right away. You may find yourself in the position of wondering what to do if your child doesn’t want to homeschool. Sometimes that is simply part of the adjustment period. Other times, there are root causes that you will need to address. Be willing to learn from the mistakes of veteran homeschooling parents and to listen to your own instincts regarding your children. 4. Choose a Support Group Meeting together with other homeschoolers can be helpful, but finding a support group can sometimes be difficult. It often takes patience to find the right match for your family. Support groups can be a great source of encouragement. The leaders and members can often help with choosing curriculum, understanding whats required for record-keeping, understanding state homeschool laws, and providing opportunities and activities for your students. You can begin by searching for homeschool support groups by state or asking other homeschool families you may know. You may also find great support in online support groups. 5. Select  Curriculum Selecting your homeschool curriculum can be overwhelming. There is a dizzying array of options and it’s easy  to overspend and still not find the right curriculum for your student. You may not even need curriculum right away and can utilize free printables and your local library while you decide. Consider used curriculum or creating your own in order to save money on homeschool curriculum. 6. Learn the Basics  of Record Keeping It is very important to keep good records of your childs homeschool years. Your records can be as simple as a daily journal or as elaborate as a purchased computer program or notebook system. Your state may require that you write a homeschool progress report, keep a record of grades, or turn in a portfolio. Even if your state doesn’t require such reporting, many parents enjoy keeping portfolios, progress reports, or work samples as keepsakes of their children’s homeschooling years. 7. Learn the Basics of Scheduling Homeschoolers generally have a great deal of freedom and flexibility when it comes to  scheduling, but it sometimes takes a while to find  what works best for your family. Learning how to create a homeschool schedule doesnt have to be difficult when you break it down into manageable steps. It can be  helpful to ask other homeschooling families what a typical homeschool day looks like for them. A few tips to  consider: When your kids work best: Are they early birds or  night owls?Your spouse’s work scheduleOutside classes and commitments 8. Understand Homeschool Methods There are many methods  for homeschooling your children. Finding the right style for your family may take some trial and error. It’s  not uncommon to try a few different methods throughout your homeschooling years or to mix and match. You may find that some aspects of unschooling may work for your family or there may be some bits of the Charlotte Mason method or some unit study techniques you’d like to employ. The most important thing to remember is to be open to what works for your family rather than feeling that you have to make a lifetime commitment to a particular homeschooling method. 9. Attend a Homeschool Convention Homeschool conventions are much more than book sales. Most, particularly larger conventions, have vendor workshops and special speakers in addition to the vendor hall. The speakers can be a great source of inspiration and guidance. Homeschool conventions also provide a chance to talk to vendors who can answer your questions and help you determine which curriculum is right for your student. 10. Know What to Do If You Begin Homeschool  Mid-year Is it possible to begin homeschooling midyear? Yes! Just remember to check your state’s homeschool laws so that you know how to properly withdraw your children from school and begin homeschooling. Don’t feel that you have to jump into a homeschool curriculum right away. Utilize your library and online resources while you figure out the best homeschool curriculum choices for your student. Homeschooling is a big decision, but it doesnt have to be difficult or overwhelming to get started.

Monday, October 21, 2019

102 Causal Peer Review Professor Ramos Blog

102 Causal Peer Review Quick Write How would you like someone to work with you on your essay? Due Today Rough Draft of Causal Analysis for peer review Presentations We have presentations tomorrow. You need to hand in a outline of your presentation to me and present for points. 50 points. We will also review for the final exam. Grading Criteria Clarity of Thought. Clearly defined the subject of analysis and the cause/effect that is explored. Critical Thinking. Can write reasonably and logically, exploring the causal relationships. Appropriate tone and organization for a causal analysis. Sources and use of sources to support the analysis with evidence. Appropriate title and proper use of visuals. Peer Workshop Peer edit the same way you revise your own work.  Work on the global, higher order concerns, first. Be specific in identifying problems or opportunities.  Point to places in the text where you notice something. Don’t say organization is confusing, show them where it is confusing. Use clear sentences and thoughts when commenting. Don’t just say awkward, explain what it is you find awkward. Offer suggestions for improvement.  Don’t just criticize, offer suggestions for revision. Praise what is good in the paper.  What is working well? What did you like? Keep comments tactful.  Treat another’s work the way you would like yours to be treated. Quick Write What changes are you going to make to your essay? 102 Causal Peer Review Quick Write How would you like someone to work with you on your essay? Due Today Rough Draft of Causal Analysis for peer review Honors Presentations We have a few honors presentations today. Grading Criteria Clarity of Thought. Clearly defined the subject of analysis and the cause/effect that is explored. Critical Thinking. Can write reasonably and logically, exploring the causal relationships. Appropriate tone and organization for a causal analysis. Sources and use of sources to support the analysis with evidence. Appropriate title and proper use of visuals. Peer Workshop Peer edit the same way you revise your own work.  Work on the global, higher order concerns, first. Be specific in identifying problems or opportunities.  Point to places in the text where you notice something. Don’t say organization is confusing, show them where it is confusing. Use clear sentences and thoughts when commenting. Don’t just say awkward, explain what it is you find awkward. Offer suggestions for improvement.  Don’t just criticize, offer suggestions for revision. Praise what is good in the paper.  What is working well? What did you like? Keep comments tactful.  Treat another’s work the way you would like yours to be treated. Quick Write What changes are you going to make to your essay?

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Writing Tips The Elements of a Screenplay

Writing Tips The Elements of a Screenplay Writing Tips: The Elements of a Screenplay A â€Å"screenplay† is typically a script for a movie or television show. And if you see a screenplay on paper, you’ll notice it has a specific â€Å"look† and structure. This is partly due to the formatting, but it is also because all scripts contain certain things. Key elements include: Scene headings Descriptions of the action Character names Dialogue Parentheticals and extensions Transitions and shots We’ll now look at each of these screenplay elements in detail. 1. Scene Headings Each scene in your script should begin with a scene heading written in all caps. Usually, these provide information on whether the scene takes place inside (INT.) or outside (EXT.), the specific location, and what time of day or night it is. This is also known as a â€Å"slug line.† For example: INT. BEDROOM – NIGHT. EXT. CAPITOL BUILDING – SUNSET. The first scene heading above tells us that the scene takes place inside a bedroom at night. The second, meanwhile, is for a scene that takes place outside the Capitol Building at sunset. 2. Action The â€Å"action† in a script is where you describe the setting and what happens in each scene. As such, this will cover most of the text in your script other than the dialogue. However, action descriptions should only mention things that can be seen or heard (not what characters are thinking or feeling). Action lines in a screenplay.(Image: Entheta/wikipedia) A good rule here is to use the present tense and active voice whenever possible. This will ensure the action feels urgent on the page. You should also keep descriptions of action brief (ideally, no more than 3-5 lines per paragraph) so that your screenplay does not become too long. 3. Characters The first time you name someone in the action of your screenplay, you should write their name in all caps to show that you’re introducing a new character. This might be an actual name (e.g., SHIRLEY or MAJID) or a role description (e.g., PRISON GUARD or ANGRY DRIVER). We also use character names to show who is speaking in the dialogue. In this case, the name is usually written in all caps and indented roughly 2† (or 5cm) from the left margin on the page. The dialogue itself is then given on the next line, continuing until the character stops speaking. Finally, you may see some scripts with a list of characters at the beginning. This is especially common in stage plays, but not generally something you would include in a screenplay. 4. Dialogue The dialogue in a script is what the characters will say on screen, but it also includes voiceovers or voices coming from off screen (see the bit on extensions below for how this works). Typically, you should indent each line of dialogue 1† (2.5 cm) from the left margin and end 1.5† (3.75cm) from the right margin. This will ensure it appears in roughly the center of the page. 5. Parenthetical and Extensions Parentheticals and extensions provide extra information about what is happening in a screenplay: A parenthetical tells us how a character says something or what they are doing while they speak. These appear on the line between the character name and the dialogue itself. An extension is a note given in brackets after a character’s name stating how the audience will hear something. The most common are O.S. (offscreen) and V.O. (voiceover). These are usually given immediately after the character’s name when introducing dialogue. You should therefore add these to your screenplay as and when required. 6. Transitions and Shots Finally, we have transitions and shots. These notes provide extra information, much like parentheticals and extensions. However, transition and shot notes are specific to shooting and editing. A typical â€Å"transition† note, for example, might say CUT TO: or FADE TO: to show how two scenes should be edited together in the final version. A â€Å"shot† note, meanwhile, would tell us what kind of shot to use when filming a scene (e.g., CLOSE UP or REVERSE ANGLE). Generally, these are only included in a shooting script (i.e., a script that is already being produced). As such, you can leave these notes out if you are writing a spec script (i.e., a script you will pitch to producers).

Saturday, October 19, 2019

24hrs Urinary Urea Nitrogen Practical Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

24hrs Urinary Urea Nitrogen Practical - Essay Example For example, a patient with a pathologically low blood pressure develops diminished urine flow. Nitrogen balance involves comparing nitrogen intake from foods and fluids with nitrogen excretion. Thus, nitrogen balance provides the clinician with an index of protein catabolism and a basis for assessing the adequacy of protein intake (Skipper, 1995; p. 86). In order to determine the nitrogen balance for each student in the group, data on the protein intake of these students must be acquired (Barakat et al., 2009) and inputed into the following formula: The dietary protein intake is best measured if the individual follows a standardized diet, that is, all the food that the individual eats must be measured before consumption, and duplicate meals must be prepared and analyzed for their nitrogen content (Manore et al., 2009; pp. 112-113). A minimum daily protein requirement is needed by the body to maintain its structural proteins, visceral proteins and immune competence. Conversely, when the body encounters certain stresses, its proteins also suffer level discrepancies. For example, starvation needs a progressive selection of fat as body fuel. Muscles stop utilizing glucose as soon as a meal is over and instead, fatty acids are used (Cahill, 1976). Ketoacid levels in blood become elevated over the first week, and the brain preferentially uses these instead of glucose. The net effect is to spare protein even further, as the brain further decreases the rate of using glucose. Nevertheless, there is still net negative nitrogen balance, but this can be nullified by amino acid or protein supplementation. In addition, protein kinetics are known to be accelerated in severe trauma. In fact, critically ill patients with major trauma demonstrate catabolism resulting in a net loss of body mass. Thus, the patient loses more nitrogen than is provided from nitrogen / protein sources (Wiliams & Shchlenker, 2003). The literature has varying ranges for the 24 hr UUN

Friday, October 18, 2019

There is no set topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

There is no set topic - Essay Example He plays with the visual elements of his beloved’s imagination, describing how he would oblige his duties at his leisure, without a care for the time that passes. He expresses his endless love for his muse by explaining the incapability of loving her the way he desires to with such a short mortal life. He wishes upon both of them health and youth eternal, so that they can truly enjoy each other’s love. The poet clear use of the word ‘mistress’ seems an acknowledgement that this relationship is indeed a secret and doomed in the long run. This reminds one of the great 19th century German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer when he said most eloquently, â€Å"To desire immortality is to desire the eternal perpetuation of a great mistake† (Malhotra, pp. 102). However, love does not often take logic or reasoning into account when it is born in the hearts of lover, in fact, in some cases, it is quite the other way around. The relationship between love and immortality seems almost inspired from Emily Dickinson’s words â€Å"For Love Is Immortality,† (Dickinson and Franklin, pp. 403). Marvell’s graphic description of death creates quite a stark contrast to his earlier visualization of immortality. He seems to scare almost his mistress with the gloominess and darkness of death and the grave, her beauty and youth being only temporary gifts of life, as if in anticipation of her mistress’s anxious and hurried consent to his proposal. He then strives to coax his beloved to release all her doubts and inhibitions, so that both of them can truly enjoy each other’s presence, and let their lust and desire fill their lives instead of the fear of a gloomy demise. Man’s unquenchable desire for immortality and his unrelenting fear of death has indeed influenced his mind and life in the most remarkable ways. From his earliest tales and myths inspired from objects, such as the fountain of everlasting

Personal journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Personal journal - Essay Example Actually, to come think of it, I don’t really know what drives people to meditate but I guess it must be life’s pressures and stress. But looking at some people I know who meditate, I am not sure if it works. The first meditation site I opened was about guided-meditation techniques. I decided to be guided to meditate using what author had recommended. There was some music that I was asked to download. Upon playing it, a nice woman’s voice came up. There was a sitar playing at the background, sounds of water flowing in the river. I must tell you that I a bit relaxed by the music. Then the woman began to guide me. She asked me to lie down on an easy chair and concentrate on my breath and this is where my problem began. No matter how hard I tried I could not concentrate on my breath, something or the other came to my mind. Contrary to what she was saying, there was no sensation in my legs. All I could think of was school assignments, a friend’s party coming u p or my pocket money. It actually stressed me more than destressing, guess meditation is not my cup of tea.

Computer Forensics Suites Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Computer Forensics Suites - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that Online Digital forensics Suite assists administrators and investigators in collecting a wide variable data from the suspected machines. This tool does not require the installation of an agent on the targeted machine. Online Digital Forensics Suite enables rapid and sound examination of the targeted computer without disrupting the current operations of given premises. It offers an extensive functional framework for the investigators and captures volatile and consistent data from the target under examination. The suite saves time in a collection of data, therefore, enabling a fast and reliable response to an intrusion or criminal act. Handling of the suite is very simplified. It does necessarily need technical training. The suite enables a visual display of images and an automatic storing of data needed to form the targeted computer. No software is needed to be preloaded on the target. This makes it cheap to implement and use. Additionally , the tool uses power sparingly as compared to the available suites. Online Digital Forensic Suite is basically browser based. The browser-based interface enables the conducting investigator to connect to Online Digital Forensic Suite and manage investigation from any given location. This is enabled by the use of a wide variety of browsers and Organizing System platforms. The connection is protected by https and all information or data sent crosswise is encrypted. Data analysis with the suite is forensically sound. It employs best and accepted practices that preserve the integrity and validity of evidence.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Reactions to Industrial Domination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Reactions to Industrial Domination - Essay Example The case considered here are multinational agro food companies. As in any entity, aside from corporate objectives of increased sales of products and services, these companies want to be seen as having humanitarian causes. They are pictured as companies who solve problems of poor countries, particularly in terms of hunger, through new technologies and free trade agreements. There is no objection to that. But behind these objectives, are the underlying reasons that these large corporations have a great ability to influence the market because of their large market share. Again as in OPEC, any increase or decline in oil production has a dramatic effect worldwide. The flow of activities in industrial domination creates uneven distribution of wealth, and draws a big impact on the global economy. For instance, in food production, the system underpays their inputs and overpays their outputs. Here since there are few sellers, big corporations can command a price and exert their power to farmers in buying expensive agricultural inputs. and into buying the farmers' product at a bargain price, and sometimes lesser than it cost to grow them. This alone is a disadvantageous position to farmers. Not only that, the large ... Unknown to the public, these corporations influences the industry as it formulates guidelines on nutrition, food safety regulations, and rules for labeling and content disclosure which all work for their benefit. The monopoly of food conglomerates has the power to set wages and farm gate prices which is usually tipping the edge advantageous to the corporations by setting a below levels of farm gate prices, workers' wages and benefits. The implication here starts when farmers are forced to sell their lands by the agribusiness powers, and in other developing countries, sometimes called third world countries, the fall down of domestic market due to the pressure of dumped imports. Domestic market cannot compete with the dumped imports eventually leading to the closing of factories and abandonment of agricultural lands. Workers, then have no resort but to accept low wages, work under poor conditions in the factories of giant corporations, and often restricted in labor rights, or others consider migration. Effects on environment. While the damage to environment cannot be felt now, the future generation will feel the effects particularly on agriculture, when there would be soil erosion, water depletion, toxic contamination, and loss of" bio-diversity" that will deplete the natural resources . The loss will be shouldered by the people, while the gains are raked by these conglomerates. Influence on taxes and subsidies. The public is kept uninformed that they are actually subsidizing these companies thru taxes. Because of influence, and complexity of operations, big companies found a way of reduced tax liabilities.

Critical Assessment and Comparison of the Competitiveness and Dissertation

Critical Assessment and Comparison of the Competitiveness and Profitability of the UK Food Retail Sector - Dissertation Example The analysis of the two sectors has revealed that there are mixed trends with respect to the performance of selected companies in this study. However, within the retail sector of UK, Morrison’s and Sainsbury are better performers as compared to Tesco. On the other hand, BG and Shell have superseded BP as per the financial analysis. The SWOT analysis of the retail companies and analysis through Porter’s Five Forces Model has revealed that there are significant opportunities for the companies to expand their businesses; whereas at the same time, the competition in the market is also at peak. Similarly, for oil and gas companies, the analysis showed that there are no significant threats for the companies, but for BP the oil spill incident is still showing it’s after effects. Introduction Two of the most successful and competitive industry sectors in the UK are the UK food retail industry (specifically supermarkets) and the UK Oil and Gas industry. Both industries ar e major contributors to the UK economy. The grocery market alone in 2011 was worth ?156.8 billion and in 2011-2012 the UK oil and gas industry paid production tax of ?11.2 billion, almost a quarter of the exchequers corporation tax (IGN, 2012; Oil & Gas UK, 2012). In times of austerity and economic recession such as the UK is currently experiencing, it is insightful to assess the financial health of each of these organizations using ratio analysis in order to understand how they are achieving their level of success. According to Jones (2006) ratios are an extremely effective means of achieving this because if suitable ratios are selected and applied it can reveal interesting facts about how the company is managed and run, and where there may be areas of potential risk and weakness such as excessive borrowing. Rationale The rationale for this study is to understand how different ratios are employed in different industries and to evaluate the challenges that can be encountered if the same ratio is used in different industries. There is an inherent risk in taking the output of financial ratio analysis at face value without fully appreciating the context of the output. Therefore, by examining two highly successful industries it is hoped to identify areas of best practice using financial ratios as guides. The industries selected for research arethe UK food retail sector and UK oil and gas. These two industries have been chosen for particular reasons. Firstly, the UK food retail sector is one of the most competitive market places in the UK,characterized by high output volumes, fast turnover and tight profit margins. It is an industry where any mistakes are quickly reflected in the financial data and stakeholders are unforgiving (Palmer, 2004; Retail Week, 2012). It is this level of competition and volatility which makes the industry an interesting study because food is essential to every household and so the performance of food retail giants such as Tesco, Sainsbury ’s and Morrison’s can be regarded as a sensible barometer of the current economic situation in the UK. Furthermore, the success of Tesco at the international level undoubtedly points to the value being created in this industry in the UK. This alone makes it an interesting area to conduct research in.The second industry, UK oil and gas plays a major part in the UK economy in terms of exports, technology, and

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Reactions to Industrial Domination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Reactions to Industrial Domination - Essay Example The case considered here are multinational agro food companies. As in any entity, aside from corporate objectives of increased sales of products and services, these companies want to be seen as having humanitarian causes. They are pictured as companies who solve problems of poor countries, particularly in terms of hunger, through new technologies and free trade agreements. There is no objection to that. But behind these objectives, are the underlying reasons that these large corporations have a great ability to influence the market because of their large market share. Again as in OPEC, any increase or decline in oil production has a dramatic effect worldwide. The flow of activities in industrial domination creates uneven distribution of wealth, and draws a big impact on the global economy. For instance, in food production, the system underpays their inputs and overpays their outputs. Here since there are few sellers, big corporations can command a price and exert their power to farmers in buying expensive agricultural inputs. and into buying the farmers' product at a bargain price, and sometimes lesser than it cost to grow them. This alone is a disadvantageous position to farmers. Not only that, the large ... Unknown to the public, these corporations influences the industry as it formulates guidelines on nutrition, food safety regulations, and rules for labeling and content disclosure which all work for their benefit. The monopoly of food conglomerates has the power to set wages and farm gate prices which is usually tipping the edge advantageous to the corporations by setting a below levels of farm gate prices, workers' wages and benefits. The implication here starts when farmers are forced to sell their lands by the agribusiness powers, and in other developing countries, sometimes called third world countries, the fall down of domestic market due to the pressure of dumped imports. Domestic market cannot compete with the dumped imports eventually leading to the closing of factories and abandonment of agricultural lands. Workers, then have no resort but to accept low wages, work under poor conditions in the factories of giant corporations, and often restricted in labor rights, or others consider migration. Effects on environment. While the damage to environment cannot be felt now, the future generation will feel the effects particularly on agriculture, when there would be soil erosion, water depletion, toxic contamination, and loss of" bio-diversity" that will deplete the natural resources . The loss will be shouldered by the people, while the gains are raked by these conglomerates. Influence on taxes and subsidies. The public is kept uninformed that they are actually subsidizing these companies thru taxes. Because of influence, and complexity of operations, big companies found a way of reduced tax liabilities.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

College Geometry - neutral geometry and Euclidean geometry Essay

College Geometry - neutral geometry and Euclidean geometry - Essay Example It is also termed as neutral geometry because it is neutral in reference to parallel postulate. Other geometries related to hyperbolic geometry, neutral geometry, ordered geometry, among others (Ball, 2008). Differences between neutral geometry and Euclidean geometry Euclidean geometry tends to be axiomatic system; in this case, all is theorems in other terms â€Å"true statements† of derivatives of smaller axioms. In reference to the book by the name Elements, Euclid illustrates five axioms (postulates) as far as plane geometry is concerned. The followi9ng is some of the postulations: 1) The first line should be drawn from any point 2) A finite line should be produced and it should be straight and continuous 3) Right angles are equal 4) A circle is described in reference to the center and its radius 5) In parallel lines, it a straight line meets other two straight lines, and makes an interior angle of which both are less than 900, the two lines can meet if extended on those s ides that they make angles less than right angles (the difference between lines in Euclidean and those of spherical are illustrated in spherical geometry). On the other hand, absolute geometry is more the same as ordered geometry. ... If the intersection points forms interior angles of less than 90, they form the basis for both hyperbolic and spherical geometry. They are both under non-Euclidean geometry where they are attained through the parallel postulates in Euclid. In addition, the postulate can be still be defined that â€Å"in every line 1 and each external point q, there exist unique lines through q that are parallel to 1.† this gives a basis for spherical constructions (Ball 2008). Spherical geometry This is a plane geometry that is on a sphere’s surface; its basic elements are lines and points but are defined in a different way. They are defined in such a way that the shortest distance between any two points runs along the same two points. The sum the angles in this triangle is more than 1800 but small triangles of the same kind are slightly larger than 1800; an ideal example being those in football fields. This is because the base length is not a perfect straight line. See a practical exam ple below. The diagram illustrates the structure of a spherical triangle It lines are also continuous and ends up forming a circle. Lines that run around the geometry making the longest distance are known as â€Å"Great Circles.† Below is an illustration of spherical geometry. The diagram above illustrates how lines are different from those in Euclidean and thus forming Great Circles. The sum of the angles in any triangle is 180 degrees In reference to Euclidean geometry, the parallel postulate when extended makes a three sided diagram that is interior angles sum up to 1800. This is because the subsequent angles are reflections of the points of origin (Eves, 1990). (a) (c) (b) From the diagram above, we can prove that the exterior angle at

Monday, October 14, 2019

Overview of Tourette Syndrome

Overview of Tourette Syndrome Nikki Allen Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a neurological disorder characterized by involuntary motor tics and, sometimes, vocal tics (Walkup, 2013). The syndrome is named after the French medical scholar, Gilles de la Tourette. In 1885, Gilles de la Tourette published an article in the medical journal, Archives de Neurologie, which described â€Å"a bizarre neurological condition that he referred to as ‘maladie des tics’ (Kevin St. P. McNaught, 2010).† In more recent times, researchers have theorized that the disorder has origins in the basal ganglia; specifically in the caudate nucleus area. In Tourette syndrome, the neurotransmitter, dopamine is produced in excess in the nerve cells, causing the caudate nucleus to be inundated with the extra dopamine. This excess causes a reduction in the messages regarding motor control sent from the brain to the other parts of the body creating spurts of involuntary movement. Researchers surmise that the tics are the brain’s method of compensating for and correcting the chemical imbalance the body is experiencing. Other researchers have attributed the uncontrolled motor movements to an underdevelopment of serotonin and norepinephrine (Brill, 2002). Tourette syndrome is believed to be hereditary. It has also been suggested that environmental conditions and infections may play a role in the development of Tourette syndrome, but more research is needed to either prove or disprove that theory (Kevin St. P. McNaught, 2010). For an individual to be diagnosed with Tourette syndrome, the following criteria must be met, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5): have two or more motor tics (for example, blinking or shrugging the shoulders) and at least one vocal tic (for example, humming, clearing the throat, or yelling out a word or phrase), although they might not always happen at the same time. have had tics for at least a year. The tics can occur many times a day (usually in bouts) nearly every day, or off and on. have tics that begin before he or she is 18 years of age. have symptoms that are not due to taking medicine or other drugs or due to having another medical condition (for example, seizures, Huntington disease, or postviral encephalitis) (CDC, 2014). Typically, individuals will begin to show signs of Tourette syndrome in early childhood. As the individual ages, other more complex motor tics, and sometimes vocal tics, appear (Samuel H. Zinner, 2014). Tics can be classified as simple or complex. Simple motor tics involve movement of only one body part. Examples include neck twisting, eye blinking, leg jerking, and finger flexing. Complex motor tics involve more than one muscle group. Examples include leaping, twirling, touching other people or things, and biting oneself. Simple vocal tics involve moving air through the nose or mouth to create a noise. Examples include tongue clicking, whistling, throat clearing, and sniffing. Complex vocal tics involve multiple noises or words. Examples include repeating the same phrase as someone else, repeating the last sound or word multiple times, and the less common vocal tic of swearing or using obscenities (Brill, 2002). â€Å"A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study has found that 1 of every 360 children 6 through 17 years of age and living in the United States have been diagnosed with TS based on parent report; this represents about 138,000 children. Other studies using different methods have estimated the rate of TS at 1 per 162 children (CDC, Data Statistics, 2014).† All ethnic groups can be affected by the disorder. Males tend to be affected five times more often than females. Diagnosis occurs more frequently in the 12-17 year old range. Caucasians have twice as many occurrences than Hispanic Americans or African Americans (CDC, Data Statistics, 2014). 90% of individuals with Tourette syndrome have other comorbid conditions, such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), anxiety, mood or sleep disorders, and learning disabilities (Samuel H. Zinner, 2014). Two approaches are commonly used once the diagnosis of Tourette syndrome has been made: the behavioral approach and the medication approach. In the behavioral approach, the therapists concentrate on Habit Reversal Training (HRT) or Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics (CBIT). HRT has the most success in adults because its success depends on the person’s awareness of their tics in general, as well as, the sensation just prior to the tic occurring. In HRT, the individual can initiate a competing response to either lessen the appearance of the tic or inhibit the tic from occurring altogether (Martin L. Kutscher, 2014). For example, if the person has a wrist flexion tic, they can perform and sustain a wrist extension until the tic urge passes (Samuel H. Zinner, 2014). Adults have had the most success with HRT because they are more aware of their bodies due to their maturity level. Therapists do not typically try to use this technique with young children. CBIT is consider ed a more comprehensive behavioral approach because it combines education, relaxation techniques, and an individualized approach of recognizing lifestyle factors that exasperate the frequency of tics. This approach has had success in both adults and children. The major drawback to the behavioral approach is the fact that the benefits are not immediate and that it takes commitment from and maturity of the patient to see the most benefits. (Martin L. Kutscher, 2014). In the medication approach, doctors prescribe medications to treat only the symptoms, since there is no medication that will cure Tourette syndrome nor eliminate tics entirely. Catapres and Tenex are most often prescribed when starting a drug therapy program. These drugs can also be helpful with managing ADHD, anxiety, and insomnia. Other medications, such as Risperdal, Orap, Haldol, and Klonopin, can be prescribed for more severe tics. Most medication trials have been performed on adults and the use of these drugs in children are considered off-label, but some younger individuals have had success with drug therapy. Some drawbacks to the medication approach are: unpleasant side effects, difficulty with compliance in regards to patients actually taking their medication, and lack of response from the medication itself in controlling tics (Samuel H. Zinner, 2014). Occupational therapists can contribute to the treatment of Tourette syndrome. The occupational therapist can treat the patient using HBT and CBIT techniques. Education of Tourette syndrome for the patient and caregiver should be addressed prior to any OT intervention. An occupational therapist can help a patient to identify and emphasize their strengths rather than focus on the shame and social stigma that often accompanies movement disorders or vocal tics (Samuel H. Zinner, 2014). Other areas an OT can work on with the patient are: deep breathing and relaxation techniques, guided imagery, and progressive muscle relaxation. Implementing a home exercise program (HEP) and encouraging the patient to practice yoga or tai chi have been shown to also be beneficial (Brill, 2002). Works Cited Brill, M. T. (2002). Tourette Syndrome. Minneapolis: Twenty-First Century Books. CDC. (2014, 6 9). Data Statistics. Retrieved 7 3, 2014, from Tourette Syndrome: CDC. (2014, 5 29). Diagnosing Tic Disorders. Retrieved 7 3, 2014, from Tourette Syndrome (TS): Kevin St. P. McNaught, P. V. (2010, 10). 125 Years of Tourette Syndrome: The Discovery, Early History and Future of the Disorder. Retrieved july 5, 2014, from National Tourette Syndrome Association: Martin L. Kutscher, M. (2014). Kids in the Syndrome Mix of ADHD, LD, Autism Spectrum, Tourettes, Anxiety, and More! Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Samuel H. Zinner, M. (2014). Tourette Syndrome much more than tics. Contemporary Pediatrics , 22-49. Walkup, D. J. (2013, 12). What is Tourette Syndrome? . Retrieved 7 3, 2014, from National Tourette Syndrome Association:

Sunday, October 13, 2019

St. Valentines Day Massacre :: American History

The 1920's was a decade marked with lawlessness. There was plenty of money to be made, and after the National Prohibition Act, everyone wanted a piece of the action. Two gangs went head to head for control of the lucrative illegal alcohol business. One group was led by George "Bugs" Moran, and the other, by Al "Scarface" Capone. Both sought to rule this business at the cost of the other. This confrontation climaxed on a chilly February morning in 1929. In an empty warehouse in Chicago, seven men were executed by a firing squad. This event became known as the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre. Control of the profitable liquor trade sparked the gang wars that littered the late 1920's with bodies. Chicago was their battleground. The opposing forces were the North Side Gang, led by Dion O'Banion, and the West Side Gang who had John Torrio as its frontrunner ("Seven Chicago Gangsters"). Torrio had ambitious plans. He sought to unite the gangs of Chicago into one powerful association in which he would have full control. However, Dion O'Banion did not fall into place as one of Torrio's pawns. In 1924, O'Banion betrayed the powerful Torrio. Shortly after, O'Banion was gunned down at his flower shop, which he used as a front for his operation. Believing Torrio was behind the assassination, the North Side gang struck back (Wilker 36-37). This was the beginning of the gang wars that lasted for five years. Even though Torrio initiated this conflict, it became too much for him. The increasing level of corruption and bloodshed came back to him. After being wounded buy a North Side gunman, Torrio handed over his operation to his successor. His replacement's name is synonymous with the words ruthless and bloodthirsty. Taking Torrio's place was the infamous Al Capone. With Torrio out of the picture, The North Side Gang began to focus their attention on Capone. He became their chief target (Wilker 37). The two gangs continued to fight throughout the 1920's. In 1929, "Bugs" Moran was in control of the North Side Gang. Every move Capone made for advancement Moran reacted with a counter strike. The North Side gang repeatedly hijacked liquor going to Capone and even bombed six saloons that Capone was supplying (Kobler 238).

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Dark Romantics :: essays research papers

The dark Romantics describe life as evil, sinful, insane, and deceptive, which is more like life today. For example, the town’s people in the â€Å"Black Veil† can be seen as evil and sinful. The reason they are thought as evil and sinful is because they say things about him because he is wearing the black veil. This can be seen in Hawthorns the minister and the Black veil when Mr. Hooper says, †why do you tremble at me? Cried he turning his veiled face around the circle of pale specters. Tremble also at each other! Have men avoided me and women shown no pity, and children screamed and fled only for my Black veil? In addition Ahab in "Moby Dick" is considered not only as an evil and sinful person but is selfish and greedy. The reason why he is sinful, evil, selfish, greedy, mainly is because he didn’t care what the other people on the ship wanted or that what he was going to do would or could bring dangers, and what he was doing was a waste of time, because instead of getting vengeance on "Moby Dick". He could be hunting whales for food and selling what’s left of them and make money. Furthermore evil and sinful people today, like Charles Manson. The reason why he is considered an evil and sinful person is because he killed a lot of people. Another reason he is evil is because he said he was God. This is one of the many reasons why I agree with the Dark Romantics. The second reason out of the many reasons of why I agree with the Dark Romantics is because a lot of people are insane. For example, mad or insane people caused the Columbine tragedy. One of the crazy things they did was running around the school shooting and blowing things up. While trying to take as many life’s as they could. Another crazy or insane thing is the fact that they took pride in what they did. The reason I say they took pride in it . Is because they made a video that showed them laughing and saying that they were going to do all the stuff they did, and how they were going to do it. In addition, the mother who shot her kids is more proof that people can turn insane at any minute.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Motivational strategies Essay

Thesis: Motivation of young learners requires positive energy and preparedness from the instructor. Enthusiasm and teaching aids/materials being used make a big difference on the speed and quantity that a student can retain. To start with, I seek to challenge myself and push my boundaries further by asking and attempting to answer the question -How can I teach English more effectively, so that the people of the world can be empowered to knowing English? It is indeed a powerful question and one to which we all need to pay close attention to in this complex, bewildering and ultimately fascinating world of diverse cultures living together. The use of common language makes it so impossible for those who do not understand to have a sense of belonging. It is necessary in preparation for study action to note certain areas of input where speed and quantitative acquisition of English language can be enhanced, even with ease. Motivation tops among the very important constituents in any language acquisition among beginners. The worry of any teacher is also to ensure equal motivation for students at though researches have shown that different motivation tactics exist for different students. Aim at motivating students also needs to influence whatever existing motives, goals, dreams or ideas in the students for learning English language. According to Cheng definition of motivation (2007) â€Å"it is the combination of effort and the desire to achieve the goal of learning the language (English) with the development of favorable attitudes towards learning the language. † Of course, motivation requires constant positive energy and preparedness from instructor. I would like to categorize instructor energized motivation into intrinsic and extrinsic. While the intrinsic depends on the level of personal interest the instructor shows to students, extrinsic deals with the application of such facilitating instruments like teaching aids or materials and compensational measure. Compensational measures include the development of competitive study in order to award prize or openly shower of praise for good performance. I do not agree with the issue of punishment as a one of the means for it limits the learners’ ability to perform in the absence of pressure from instructor. To activate the positive energy in young learners, the use of a general area of interest has been found to speed learning through a sustained motivation. For example, learners who admire a popular figure in the language being learnt can be motivated by relating studies in that direction. Each time the learner is reminded of the figure, motivation increases to study the language of such figure to feel belong. Each learner can also be kept on positive swing mood during acquisition by a constant assurance form the instructor of the easy nature of the study which only requires very short time. Most category of learners feel bored when study is being prolonged; hence, the language lesson needs to be broken into different segment with short interval. This will ensure cerebral revitalization at the end of each session before taking up next task. A study in a class of 30 students showed how learners know English speedily when task was made to perform at interval. The second group who did not perform the task at interval requires double the learning time spent by the first group (Cheng & Dornyei, 2007). The use of teaching aids/materials is of no doubt one of the best way to increase learning speed and quantity of study per time. Teaching materials result in increasing students’ motivation. Te use of audio-visuals in teaching English language performs two tasks. One is the usual classroom teaching of new words. The second is the acquisition of such language in connection with the learners observed response to the spoken language. Most learners watch films irrespective of the language spoken in the scene. Actions are better picked that a action-less speech expression. Many studies have approved this use of audio-visuals for its evident large difference it makes in language acquisition. In summary, I will certainly aim at activating students self motivation believing that this is the key to make whatever measure puts in place by the instructor a more productive exercise. Reference Cheng, H. , & Dornyei, Z. (2007). The use of motivational strategies in language instruction: The case of EFL teaching in Taiwan. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 1, 153–173.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Points About a Crafting Business

1. Why does crafting strategy have a strongly entrepreneurial character? Courtney (2) notes that in a rapidly changing environment, this year's indicators are not a good measure of what will happen in the future. Instead, there is a need to develop foresight. This involved looking to the future and spotting potential opportunities and potential threats before they are actually present. This is entrepreneurial in the sense that it involves looking to the future and seeing things before they are actually present. Crafting strategy also involves a new approach to business where the focus is on managing and risk and choosing the best kind of action, while there remains a level of certainty. These aspects of crafting strategy have a strong entrepreneurial character. Finally, crafting strategy requires vision and creativity. It differs from traditional management strategies because there are no certainties. Organizations cannot simply accept the environment as it is and aim to preserve the status quo. Organizations have to accept continual change, expect continual problems and challenges, and be innovative and creative in addressing these challenges. This need for innovation and creativity also has a strong entrepreneurial character. 2. What managerial purpose does the establishment of long-term objectives have? Long-term objectives are necessary to ensure that the organization is aware of what it wants to achieve. They focus the organization on its goals and provide a means of defining the desired outcome. Long-term objectives are also important because they are used to measure current and possible actions against. For example, the decision of whether or not to take a certain action can be based on whether or not it will help the organization achieve its goals. One of the other important points regarding long-term objectives is that they define the desired end-point, but do not define how that end-point is achieved. This means that the organization knows where it is going, but has the flexibility to adapt to the environment to determine how to get there. In this way, long-term objectives are important because they are a fixed point that guides the organizations toward its goals. 3. Competitive markets are economic battlefields. True or False. Explain. Competitive markets are economic battlefields. Thompson and Strickland note that in competitive markets, organizations constantly compete against each other in an attempt to gain advantages. One reason this is considered a battlefield is simply due to the competing. Another reason this is considered a battlefield is that organizations are competing to win the same thing, namely the consumer dollar. The third reason this is considered a battlefield is that a win by one organization means a loss for another. That is, for every consumer dollar that an organization wins, that is one less dollar going to a competitor. The next consideration is why it is considered an economic battlefield. The basic answer could be that organizations are competing to gain money, but there is more to it than this. It is also an economic battlefield because organizations win by improving economically. For example, if a manufacturing organization can find a way to produce a product for less money, they can pass this saving onto the consumer, and gain more consumers by having a lower price. Even if the price remains the same, organizations can benefit another way by producing the product for less, because they can invest that money into improving the product. The improved product then becomes the method by which they win the consumer dollar. Another important point is that winning economically often has future benefits. An organization that is winning the battle to win consumers will have more profits and these can be used to improve processes or products to provide even more future gains. Gains are also often made because their volume of trade increases. For manufacturers, they gain via economies of scale, where the more products that are made, the lower the cost becomes per product. The volume of trade can also give organizations more ability to negotiate with suppliers, partners, and retailers. The end result is that an organization winning the economic battle will often gain benefits that will allow it to improve economically even more. Returning to the battlefield idea, this can be considered as one army losing soldiers and become weaker, while the other army gains them and becomes even stronger. As the balance swings, the stronger side continues to increase in strength, forcing the weaker side out.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Globalization in Iran Essay

1. Historical: Entered globalization in 1906 as they created a constitution that developed democratic principles. 2. 3 Consequences: 1. Growing disparity between urban and rural areas. 2. Cut back in government spending and education along with health care. 3. Limited evolution since the colonial period. 3. 3 Barriers: 1. Lack of new improved technology. 2. Too dependent on their natural resource wealth. 4. Reducing Barriers: The now have a desire for political unity. 5. FDI: Shell gas is involved in negotiations between Iran and Chinese oil companies. Total Oil gas company has complete control of the oil fields in Doroud and Balal. 6. Corporations Contribute: Yes, they do because they are looking for cheap labor and Iran is managing to keep them by maintaining low standards for laborers. 7. Effect on People: Women are seen as only a token of modernity in rural towns. They are not citizens in modern areas and have no equal rights or equal protections. 8. Gap between rich and poor: The gap between rich and poor is clearly shown as many of the few rich people have made money as a result of oil that brings in billions of dollars. The unemployment rate is 15.3%. 9. Cultural Changes: As a result of war from surrounding countries many are scared of practicing their religion and worry of the effects these wars may have on their own towns and cities. 10. Exclusion from globalization: Iran constantly has international sanctions imposed on them as a result of refusing to accept outside business. It is a country that is being forced to globalize. 11. Transnational Organizations: These include the IMF, WB, WTO, WHO and the most important OPEC. 12. Control of Information: There are no internet restrictions but some internet providers have filters on for websites. 13. Increased Mobility: Oil reserves allow Iran to become urbanized. 67% live in urban centers. 14. Nationalism: Resurgence of nationalism conducts research of nationalism because they seek expansion in scientific, nuclear, and technological advancement and exert their social and government views on nations. 15. Benefits: Promote services, resources, and idealology such as religious beliefs. 16. Costs: Alienation of opposing views, governments, and businesses.

Paying for my ignorance the most bitter way Essay

Paying for my ignorance the most bitter way - Essay Example I have attached the edited work and titled it ‘PLANNING FOR THE ESSAY’ actually the text in red are new ideas I have added. I have also prepared an outline that indicates what you wrote about in each numbered paragraph in the plan. Finally, I have presented the final essay. Please let me have an immediate feedback if it fits your expectation so that if it does, I can upload the final work. I am due to travel very soon. Thank you. Strategic planning outline INTRODUCTION This part of the essay gives a general background to how the summit of the essay started or developed. It includes setting, time and introduction of main character. In this essay, the setting was my secondary school, the time was during the examination period and the chief priest and I were the major characters introduced at the introduction stage. I correlation is built at the introduction stage to allow a for a very good affiliation with the main body. i. Background and Setting I shall use this section t o introduce the theme of the essay, which is my ignorance in believing a chief priest rather than lessons learnt in school. I shall talk introduce the major setting where I faced my crisis BODY This part of the essay unfolds the main events that happened in the essay. In this case, the essay is a flashback narration of a piece of information I received from a chief priest and how I trusted the information much that I neglected what I heard in school for all the number of years I had received formal education. I fantasy point is introduced to tell of a very enjoying trip I was expecting. There however was a crisis when the trip did not come off because I felt sick – with the sickness being the direct result of the belief I had in the story I was told by the chief priest. I have divided the body of the essay into three sub-sections as detailed below ii. The misconception and ignorance I shall present what the misconception and ignorance I believed in was, where I heard it, when I heard it, from whom I heard it and how I took it. iii. A expectant fantasy I shall talk about a fantasy point I was expecting in my life. This fantasy point is important for the essay because it highlights the crisis I faced out of my ignorance. iv. Crisis point – results of my ignorance I shall talk about the crisis that marred the fantasy but the main focus here is to explain the result of my ignorance, which was of course a negative result. CONCLUSION The conclusion seeks to summarize the essay and tell the result of the ignorance I had in my case. There were lessons I learnt and all these have been factored in the conclusion. The lessons make the essay worth narrating to someone. v. Outcome of the crisis I shall explain how the crisis affected my fantasy. Whether I could still have the fantasy or not. vi. Lessons learnt from the crisis This will be the concluding part of the essay, talking about the lessons I learnt at the end of the day Planning the Essay i. Formal ed ucation is supposed to widen our knowledge about issues of life but even at the secondary school level, I did not wholly believe everything that I learnt in school. With all the years of education I had had and with age, I still did not believe what my formal education told taught me about malaria. It was in 2001. I was a high school student in senior secondary three in Nigeria by then and I just clocked eighteen years in February that year yet, I held on to beliefs in stories a popular chief priest had told me rather than what my teachers had taught me all this while. I remained daft over numerous television programs on malaria prevention and control. Even what I learnt in the class about mosquitoes never changed my mind. For this reason, I never thought of

Monday, October 7, 2019

OSHA Standards Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

OSHA Standards - Essay Example In addition to this the training should be safe for all parties involved and others. Training is supposed to be both theoretical and practical with evaluation of performance. The standard goes ahead to outline the various topics to be covered by operators some being operating instructions, differences between trucks and automobiles, steering and manoeuvring, stability and capacity among others (OSHA, 2011). Operators are also required to undergo refresher training in stances where they are found to perform unsafe operations, near-miss accident situations, a different truck is to be operated, changes in workplace conditions and many others (OSHA, 2011). General evaluation of operators is to be conducted after every three years. Approval should go with certification showing that the operator has undergone training and evaluation. This standard is good in ensuring that accidents and injuries related to powered industrial trucks are minimised. However, it is not an adequate standard basi ng this on certain aspects; refresher training seems to be only necessary in case an operator portrays some level of notable incompetence. It further stipulates that refresher training should be conducted after every three years.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

What social, political, and economic reasons should Puerto Rico be an Term Paper

What social, political, and economic reasons should Puerto Rico be an Independent Nation - Term Paper Example An island with over ? of the population having difficulties with English will never fit in a country whose 97% of its population speaks fluent English. It would be easier for Puerto Rico be a sovereign country due to the cultural and linguistic concessions. A Spanish speaking island would not want to see its culture erode gradually the way Quebec has been torn from Canada ( 1). Being an overseas territory of the U.S, Puerto Rico has been exposed to penetration of American commodities, capital, customs, and laws. This is unequaled to any other Latin American state. Paradoxically, Puerto Ricans show strong cultural identity compared to other Caribbean people. There has been a widening rift between asserting a separate culture for the Islanders and the pushing for sovereignty. This has been manifested in music, beauty contests, sports among other areas. Puerto Rico is a representation of apparent paradox. It is stateless and has refused to assimilate into mainstream Ame rica. After over a hundred years of American occupation PuertoRico is Afro-Hispanic. Puerto Ricans consider it a postcolonial colony. They are people without a nation of their own since they live in a U.S territory that is not part of the U.S (Jorge Duany 425). Puerto Rico’s juridical definition is neither a sovereign republic nor a state. This creates contested, problematic, and ambiguous political status. It is a Paradox how this kind of in-between status strengthens rather instead of weakening Puerto Rican national identity. In opinion polls which have been conducted in Puerto Rico, over 60 percent of the population chooses Puerto Rico to be their nation, whereas about... There are many pros in Puerto Rican economics. Puerto Rico will be able to tax its own citizens and use the money to build and develop its infrastructure. There will be an open market for trading with the nations currently in alliance with United States. If it becomes a sovereign state, the island will enjoy low unemployment rates and a high per capita income. All the Puerto Ricans working in the U.S and other countries will come back to build their country. The relationship between Puerto Rico and the United States is directly responsible for the island having among the highest living standards of Caribbean, Central, and South America. However, Puerto Ricans who are American citizens by birth are still very far away from the same economic prosperity levels as the American citizens in the fifty states. The opportunity of achieving those standards is only if Puerto Ricans will govern themselves and improve the economic situation of their country

Saturday, October 5, 2019

News Article Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

News Article Analysis - Essay Example As asserted, due to the apparent higher expected supply of corn in the current year, the FAO index was reported to have exhibited an average of 199.1 points for the month of September; which was measured to manifest a 1 percent decline from the average points reported in the month of August. The more prominent change was reported to be a significant 5.4% decline from the average points reflected at the start of 2013. These trends were accurately pinpointed to be sourced from the significant level of production or supply of corn; of which the United States was reported to contribute as much as 348 million tons, or a 27% increase, from the production level in 2012. The favorable weather conditions this year, in conjunction with the greater expanse of acreage allotted to corn production were instrumental in the increased supply for corn in 2013. The article is related to the economic topic of demand and supply, particularly how markets respond to changes in demand and supply. From the e xplanation that was provided, there is an apparent impact on the increase of supply of corn to the world prices of food. With greater supply, and assuming a constant demand, the impact would evidently mean a decrease in prices of commodities affected by the abundance in supply of the mentioned product. In this situation, the global cereal production, composed of wheat and corn, was projected to manifest an increase in supply. It was clearly revealed that â€Å"global cereal production, which includes wheat and corn, is expected to be 8% higher over 2012’s level, at 2.49 billion tons. The U.S., the world’s largest corn producer, is responsible for the bulk of the increase, expected to harvest a record crop of 348 million tons—that’s 27% higher than the previous year† (Rai, 2013, par. 4). Likewise, another international agency, the International Grains Council corroborated the trend through their own projections that indicate production of corn to in crease to 943.2 million tons; while wheat supply would reach 692.6 million tons. Therefore, given that the demand remains on a fairly stable level, with no significant or considerable increase, the impact of the increase supply would be an evident decrease in prices of food, which is measured through the FAO index. The article provided greater insights in terms of the repercussive effect of economic components of demand and supply from one market or economy to another market or to the global market, in general. The incident could actually be evaluated as macro-oriented in terms of the supply of corn and wheat being instrumental in impacting other food products that uses them as their raw materials or main ingredients. Evidently, the impact is not restricted in the domestic market, such as the United States where the supply or abundance in production was seen to rise to significant levels. The fact that the U.N. FAO regularly monitors demand and supply of basic commodities only confi rm that there is a stronger repercussive effect as markets are seen to be closely correlated through economic activities and movements of economic indices. Since the United States has an overpowering impact as a powerful nation to other international economies, any significant changes in basic raw materials would have important effects to other economies in terms of prices of commodities. It would therefore be crucial to anticipate these changes to prepare other

Friday, October 4, 2019

Factors Of Influence On Retail Trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Factors Of Influence On Retail Trade - Essay Example on the retail industry as a whole and therefore Sainsbury’s have been chosen for the purpose as it holds the 30th position in the global ranking of retail industry â€Å"Kantar Retail Top 50 Retailer Rankings† (Kantar Retail, 2013). Sainsbury’s was set up during 1869 and presently it runs more than 1106 convenience stores and supermarkets that provide job opportunities to almost 157000 people. Customer is considered to be the heart of the organization and the firm continuously invests money for improving the experience of the channel partners and employees to offer the customer with the best â€Å"shopping experience† (J Sainsbury PLC, 2013). Key Issues Whilst Tesco has issues in almost each part of its operations, its greatest competitor Sainsbury's revealed an advanced move towards growth in sales by the means of â€Å"quality and service† (Gottdiener, 1998). Sainsbury successfully exchanged blows with its rivals like Asda and Tesco. Justin King, the chief executive of the firm stated that the success of Sainsbury primarily rooted from its excellent service quality and from the superior quality self-brand products. The firm has strongly protested against the â€Å"Price Promise† ad program of Tesco. According to Sainsbury, The program deceives the consumers since it proves to be a failure in pointing out that the firm’s own-label brands have original standards or excellent ethical benchmarks. Sainsbury’s claim had been supported by â€Å"ethical trading accreditation bodies† namely the RSPCA's Freedom Food proposal, the Marine Stewardship Council and the Fair-trade (Butler and Rankin, 2013). According to Justin King, fundamentally most of the customers visiting the supermarkets prefer to opt for discount stores like Lidl and Aldi, and these stores have been... Whilst Tesco has issues in almost each part of its operations, its greatest competitor Sainsbury's revealed an advanced move towards growth in sales by the means of â€Å"quality and service† (Gottdiener, 1998). Sainsbury successfully exchanged blows with its rivals like Asda and Tesco. Justin King, the chief executive of the firm stated that the success of Sainsbury primarily rooted from its excellent service quality and from the superior quality self-brand products. The firm has strongly protested against the "Price Promise" ad program of Tesco. According to Sainsbury, The program receives the consumers since it proves to be a failure in pointing out that the firm's own-label brands have original standards or excellent ethical benchmarks. Sainsbury's claim had been supported by "ethical trading accreditation bodies" namely the RSPCA's Freedom Food proposal, the Marine Stewardship Council and the Fair-trade (Butler and Rankin, 2013). According to Justin King, fundamentally mo st of the customers visiting the supermarkets prefer to opt for discount stores like Lidl and Aldi, and these stores have been experiencing remarkable growth for the past years. However, in spite of offering goods at discounted prices, Lidl and Aldi failed to beat the superior service provided by Sainsbury's. The in-house labels of the retailer like â€Å"By Sainsbury's† and â€Å"Taste the Difference† developed at a rate that is two times the rate of the external brands since the customers always find ways for saving money.